the last several decades the monetary system has undergone many changes. In
1694 the Bank of England, which is nowvaccording to Will Hutton "the
fulcrum upon which the financial system turns", was founded but its
functions have altered greatly since then, its current role is to exercise
discretionary monetary management while also regulating and supporting the
banking system. The Bank is greatly important within the financial system since
it chooses the terms on which it issues notes and coins to the banking sector;
the level of legal tender supplied, however, has to be decided upon by the
government; it also manages the financing ofthe government debt by issuing
treasury bills and long term government bonds. Recently there has been a
decline in the importance attached to money supply targets and an increase in
the importance attXhed to interest rates. Every month the Governor of the Bank
of England, Eddie George, meets with the Chancellor, Kenneth Clarke, to discuss
interest rate policy and the minutes from this meeting are then published. The
final decision as to the level of interest rates lies with the Chancellor but
the Governor's views are becoming more and more important and there is much
debate at present as to whether the responsibility of setting their level
should be completely handed to the Bank in hope of reducing political bias.
When the level of interest has been decided it is up to the Governor to decide
when the new rate should be introduced. The Bank of England can only influence
interest rates by changing the rate at which it buys Treasury Bills, seven or
fourteen days from maturity, and this change cascades through the money markets
to result usually in an alteration in interest rates. t Ace w 2?>~
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Bank of England's other function is to ensure that the City works as a series
of related markets in which financial assets of any type are readily tradable
for cash. The banking system has experienced a high degree of deregulation over
the last several decades. At first changes included the abolition of
quantitative credit ceilings and a greater reliance on short term interest
rates as a means of affecting credit and money growth. These measures, however,
led to economic expansion which required an unacceptable level of interest to
conkol the monetary expansion and the "Corset" was introduced. This
existed from 1973
to 1980 and involved banks being set target
rates of growth for their deposits and they were penalised if they overshot
them. From 1979 onward there was according to Eddie George a "more radical
and far-reaching programme of financial deregulation". The
"Corset" was abandoned in 1980, foreign exchange controls were also
abandoned in 1979 and the Bank lobbied for the abolition of reserve
requirements in 1980. All central banks in the industrialised world, except for
the UK and Luxembourg, have a minimum reserve requirement which ensures that
all banks lodge a certain percentage of their total deposits with them as a
"float". The Bank now relies on the desired ratios of cash and liquid
assets to total deposits that commercial banks adopt in their own self
interest. Banks, because of well developed markets for liquid assets survive
offcash reserves as low as 1-2% of deposits. The setting of broad money targets
was also abandoned in 1985/6 as they were continually overshot, although now
the Government and Bank "monitor" the money supply; M0, for example,
has a monitoring range of 1-4%. The financial liberalisation has led to an
important change in the transmission mechanism which refers to the way in which
interest rates influence the behaviour of the economy, they act as a major
monetary tool in the UK The Bank acts as a "lender of last resort"
although it no longer sets a minimum lending rate and instead banks have to
guess, and therefore represents an ultimate source of liquidity and support to
the individual commercial banks. The protection that the Bank offers may lead
to banks adopting careless or very risky strategies and as a consequence the
Bank is involved also in regulation and supervision.
characteristic ofthe U.K monetary system that has helped greatly in attracting
over 500 foreign banks to London is liquidity. Liquidity has become such a
major part of the British financial system that there tends to be a great lack
of commitment to the long term health of underlying investments- short-termism.
The discount houses are an important part ofthe monetary system that have not
yet been mentioned. They act as an intermediary between the Bank of England and
the other banks or financial institutions; assembling the necessary cash from
institutions to but Treasury Bills and other Government IOU's, and looking for
cash on the markets for the banks to be able to "square" their books
overnight and if the markets cannot provide the cash they liaise with the Bank
of England.
Bank's have the ability to "create"
money, increase the money supply, because all their customers do not try and
convert their deposits into notes and coins at the same time. The money
multiplier gives the value of new deposits that can be created for every t1 of
new reserves that become available to the retail banking system and the level
ofthe money multiplier is greatly dependant on the reserve ratio which
determines how much cash the bank actually keeps from all its deposits and the
cash it does not keep in reserve it loans out.
money multiplier can be seen in its simplest form if several large assumptions
are made. Banks can only hold two kinds of assets, cash and advances to
customers, there is only one kind of deposit, a sight deposit and it earns no
interest and can be withdrawn on demand and there is only one bank in
A.. ~~
system. If a bank receives a deposit of t100, and hence its assets have risen
by t100 and its deposit liabilities have also risen by t100, it is no longer in
equilibrium for a profit maximising bank. It will want to make loans in order
to make money from the interest payments but it will also have to keep 10%
ofthe deposit of i100 for reserves. Therefore it will make an(~on,pf i10 to
existing reserves and increase its lending by t90. If it is Assumed that
individuals save everything then this £905once it has been spent by the
borrowers will be deposited in a bank, which may not be the same bank. The
process will, however, repeat itself and the byÑt9 to reserves and increasing
lending by t81. A new deposit thus sets up a long sequence of new
deposits, new loans, new deposits, new
loans within the banking system.
this simple example a basic formula for the money multiplier can be
R = rD R:- reserves D:- deposits r:-
reserves ratio and therefore if this equation is true:
AR =
AD = (l/r)AR MONEY MULTIPLIER -in simplest
form _ Ala
from the formula it can be seen that a new deposit of t100 will increase the
money supply by t1000 in total if the reserve ratio is 0.1.
In reality, however, there is a cash drain
from the banking system and therefore the ratio of what the private sector
wishes to hold in cash to what it wishes to deposit must also be considered.
This ratio will be influenced by many factors such as how trustworthy people
believe the banks to be and how they are paid, in cash or by cheque. The money
multiplier in the real world is thus dependent on the private sector's desired
ratio of cash to bank deposits and the bankls desired ratio of cash to
deposits. Its formula can be derived as follows:
R = rD
C = fD
C:- cash held in circulation by the private sector. f.- fraction of bank
deposits held in circulation.
H = C + R = (r + f)D H:- monetary base ( quantity of notes
in private circulation plus quantity
held by
banking system)
M = C + D = (r + 1)D M:- money supply ( monetary base *
by comparing the last two equations the money supply can be
expressed as a function of the monetary
base and the desires of both the banks and the private sector.
M = ((f
+ l)l(r + f))H
MULTIPLIER = If + l)l(r + f)
The money multiplier will increase if
either the private sector's desired ratio of cash to bank deposits falls or if
the reserve ratio falls for the banks. Deposit money, created by banks is by
far the largest contributor to the money supply and therefore the money
multiplier is very useful in predicting what will happen in the monetary
Disintermediation is defined by Charles
Goodhart as being the process that "occurs when some intervention, usually
by government agencies for the purpose of controlling, or regulating, the
growth of financial intermediaries lessens their advantages in the provision of
financial services, and drives
financial transfers and business into other
channels". As the banking system, which used to be the main intermediary
between savers and borrowers, has recently become more open to competition from
the capital markets and other non-bank lenders, traditional client groups have
begun accessing the capital and money markets directly. Over the past decade
for example users of capital have chosen to finance short term capital needs in
the world's commercial paper markets where they are in effect obtaining
short-term funds directly from savers, this situation can arise when banks have
to raise the margin between deposit and lending rates to maintain their
profitability, as a result of higher reserve requirements. From the borrowers
point of view the act of avoiding the banking system by dealing with the bond
or commercial paper markets may mean substantial cost savings. Lending rates
are also more competitive in open markets and creditworthy borrowers are able
to choose the most economical from a wide range of domestic and international
sources of capital. From a fixed-income investofls point of view the act of
lending direct to the users of capital may result in a portion of the cost
savings realised by the borrowers being passed on to the investor in the form
of marginally higher returns compared with bank deposits. The(@ markets are
also more operationally flexible than short term bank borrowing. Borrowers are
bypassing the traditional banking system by issuing securities in the public
debt markets and hence transfers of funds that would have gone through the
books of financial intermediaries now pass directly from saver to borrower.
also refers to financial flows which pass through channels which would usually
be less efficient if it was not for certain constraints and regulations that
have been imposed on certain domestic financial institutions. The development
of the Euro-markets illustrates how in the absence of exchange controls constraints
on domestic services encourages institutions to provide the same services
abroad. Therefore usually as a result of controls put on financial
intermediaries which prevent them acting in the way they would most desire they
seek escape through disintermediation.