UK |
Correlation between the Production in Manufacturing Industry(x) and Output per Person-Hour in Manufacturing(y)
y = 0.3666x + 0.0337 |
No of observations |
23 |
tangent of the line |
0.3666028 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.12494311 |
R2 |
0.29076295 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value, 23 degr. of freedom) |
2.06865479 |
Test value |
2.93415782 |
Reject H0: |
Correlation between the Growth rate of real GDP at l990 market prices: annual % changes and Growth rate of real per capita GDP: annual % changes |
No of observations |
25 |
tangent of the line |
0.98705815 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.01691037 |
R2 |
0.99329457 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
58.3699991 |
Reject H0: |
Correlation between the Production in Manufacturing Industry(x) and Output per Person-Hour in Manufacturing(y) |
No of observations |
24 |
tangent of the line |
0.63451404 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.05950096 |
R2 |
0.83790082 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
10.6639287 |
Reject H0: |
Correlation between the Growth rate of real GDP at l990 market prices: annual % changes and Growth rate of real per capita GDP: annual % changes |
No of observations |
25 |
tangent of the line |
0.95069237 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.01584361 |
R2 |
0.99365267 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
60.0047669 |
Reject H0: |
Correlation between the Production in Manufacturing Industry(x) and Output per Person-Hour in Manufacturing(y) |
No of observations |
24 |
tangent of the line |
0.17046255 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.05439595 |
R2 |
0.30861748 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
3.13373599 |
Reject H0: |
Correlation between the Growth rate of real GDP at l990 market prices: annual % changes and Growth rate of real per capita GDP: annual % changes |
No of observations |
25 |
tangent of the line |
0.99669951 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.0100735 |
R2 |
0.99765609 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
98.94272 |
Reject H0: |
Canada |
Correlation between the Production in Manufacturing Industry(x) and Output per Person-Hour in Manufacturing(y) |
No of observations |
24 |
tangent of the line |
0.34736198 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.0951431 |
R2 |
0.37728884 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
3.65094249 |
Reject H0: |
Correlation between the Growth rate of real GDP at l990 market prices: annual % changes and Growth rate of real per capita GDP: annual % changes |
No of observations |
25 |
tangent of the line |
0.62095347 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.12509112 |
R2 |
0.51722649 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
4.96400928 |
Reject H0: |
W Germany |
Correlation between the Production in Manufacturing Industry(x) and Output per Person-Hour in Manufacturing(y) |
No of observations |
24 |
tangent of the line |
0.45025165 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.19506245 |
R2 |
0.19496454 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
2.30824364 |
Reject H0: |
Correlation between the Growth rate of real GDP at l990 market prices: annual % changes and Growth rate of real per capita GDP: annual % changes |
No of observations |
25 |
tangent of the line |
0.94499168 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.05569885 |
R2 |
0.92600889 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
16.9660886 |
Reject H0: |
Italy |
Correlation between the Production in Manufacturing Industry(x) and Output per Person-Hour in Manufacturing(y) |
No of observations |
24 |
tangent of the line |
0.97459978 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.07338245 |
R2 |
0.88910602 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
13.2811024 |
Reject H0: |
Correlation between the Growth rate of real GDP at l990 market prices: annual % changes and Growth rate of real per capita GDP: annual % changes |
No of observations |
25 |
tangent of the line |
0.71861214 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.12769196 |
R2 |
0.57930174 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
5.62770055 |
Reject H0: |
Japan |
Correlation between the Production in Manufacturing Industry(x) and Output per Person-Hour in Manufacturing(y) |
No of observations |
24 |
tangent of the line |
0.64907644 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.06104438 |
R2 |
0.83710671 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
10.6328616 |
Reject H0: |
Correlation between the Growth rate of real GDP at l990 market prices: annual % changes and Growth rate of real per capita GDP: annual % changes |
No of observations |
25 |
tangent of the line |
0.84062784 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.06034076 |
R2 |
0.89404943 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
13.9313444 |
Reject H0: |
Correlation between the Growth rate of real GDP at l990 market prices: annual % changes and Growth rate of real per capita GDP: annual % changes |
No of observations |
25 |
tangent of the line |
0.89995161 |
The standard error of the x coeficient is |
0.04669519 |
R2 |
0.94169016 |
t value of 5% 1 tail (critical value) |
2.06389814 |
Test value |
19.2728979 |
Reject H0: |