Functions of money1. Medium of exchange (for barter there must
be double coincidence).
2. Unit of account
3. Store of value
4. Standard of defered payment
of money
1. Acceptability
2. Durability
3. Homogeneity
4. Divisibility into smaller
5. Portability (transporting)
6. Stability of value
7. Difficult to fake
a. Mo (monetary base)-notes & coins in circulation + commercial banks cash deposits in the Bank.
b. M2 - Mo + non interest-bearing (current) accounts + interest bearing retail deposits (readily available) in banks and building societies.
a. M4 - cash + all deposits + CD + building society shares (ex. foreign currency deposits)
b. M5 - M4 + private holdings of treasury bill & other money market instruments.
1. Time factor
2. High rates of inflation will distort
3. Quality changes
4. Taxes and benefits
5. Minorities
6. Political implications