ExchangeR 1Inflation 2Changes in demands for export import 3Invisible trade 4Interest rates 5Capital movements 6Speculation 7Government activities 8Confidence to future Floating ER from 70s Advs 1Automatic stabilisation 2Freeing internal(unempl)policy constr 3Absence of crisis(occur when fixed rate) 4Management can still exist 5Flexibility(after oil price changes) 6Avoiding "import" of inflation 7Lower reserves needed Disadvs 1Uncertainty 2Lack of investment 3Speculation 4Lack of discipline Fixed ER Gold Pegged Exchange control(no change currencies) adjustable peg Equil 1PPP Abasket has nothing to do with IT Binfluenced by govn.interest rates CConfidence 2The portfolio balance theory - large investors Ignores future expetations 3The interest rate parity theory - forwards Recent 1Monetary funds - next chapter - attempt to stabilise( essay) 2Dirty floating - buying excess EEA 3Trade weighted indices {PAGE|1}