from professional social scientist,Prof.Pete Alcock&Prof.Miriam
David,concentrate mainly on simplicity&on false use of stats in CM's
argument. correlation between ilmcy&economic inactivity does not necessary
mean causation
unempl is higher among elderly&ilmcy among younger people.So it is false to
combine them
growing trend in divorce doesn't necessary
imply unpopularity of marriage,but maybe growing popularity of cohabitation.
number of children without parent is rising much slower than number of
illegitimate children born
Allock also points out that most of ilmate children are so due to divorce.If
their mothers would be penalised,yes divorce rate will fall,but marriage will
lose its meaning!
rate may also be higher amongst illegitimate children because they are
poorer&need to steal food
also think CM is only looking at ilmcy,which is simplistic,because things are
more complex&involve many other things,including eg rising level of overall
poverty,exclusion from society&economic recession.All these contributed
also towards unempl&crime
punishment of ilmcy could worsen
situation,because decision for single parenthood is not always based on
economic reasons&is not voluntary for most of time
policies CM offers have been unsuccessfully tried before in
30-s.&considering forcing of males to marriage,CM does not mention Child
Support Agency,that urged men to pay for their children's living etc.That
agency failed because people's opinion did not like its radical approach
decision of whom to exclude from benefits is
extremely hard one to make. conservative government is already targeting groups
receiving benefits more precisely, critics say this is done just to reduce
number of people in poverty
columnist Melanie Philips& Director of National Council of One-Parent
families,Sue Slipman,consider comparison with Victorian era to be
irrelevant,because state of technology,economic prospects&many other things
were different
are also suspicious about comparison between UK&USA,because CM has not done
enough research. stats showing growing difference between upper&lower
classes are made up by CM based only indirect evidence from US. difference in
UK might not be that big
CM is
with extreme right wing attitude in this case&uses his subjective
view,whereas social trends should be looked at more objective side
CM offers won't work in short run,because it takes time to change people's
attitudes.During that time mothers unmarried at present will have to live in
poverty&their children would suffer most.Besides it can be argued that
present situation is temporary,because women have become feminists&men are
left bit behind in their fight for their rights.As soon as men will find their
correct place in marriage through cooperation, tension releases& social
attitude for marriage will improve by itself
author|Keith Siilats}, {DATE|02/03/96}, Subject: {info subject|Economics},
Words: {info numwords|1442}