party government theory.
system is said to encourage division.
in UK in theory:
1. 2
party system with election
2. One
forms a govn
close competition - urges both parties, oposition can win by legal means
parties have manifestos. So electorates can choose between packages
manifestos must be popular
voters will give rational votes, based on manifestos and previous office
7. the
party who wins puts their programme to action
8. good
party discipline in orrder to push the programme through
MPs owe
everything to party and must be obediant.
2party system. Now national parties. Anyway, there have been no minority
governments since 79. Because of the first pass the post system the multi party
support is turned to single party dominance in westminster.
single party govn - some coalitions (liblab pact 77-79), but otherwise mostly
one party.
meaningful choice of manifestos - parties have to go for the centre, and they
also like to keep theiir policy options open. Labour is said to not offer a
good socialist alternative. 70s bought real choice back to elections as the
unemployment rose etc(conviction politics). Late 80s other parties had to
accept thatcher politics. New Labour developed. Once again electorate is
without a real choice.
Implementing manifestos - many departures once in office (nationalisation of
Rolls Royce), but they are excused. Labour could not implement a socialist
regime, because of the secret state and civil service objecting it. Govn not
always clear of its objectives or the means of achieiving them. Rose - Heath
govn fulliflled 80% of promises, 74-9 Labour o ly 59%.
5. Do
voters vote on programmes - Butler and Stokes discovered the limited knowledge
of public. People were party loyal despite the manifestos or promises. Issue
Voting-Rational Choice model says people purchase politics by voting on the
party they like most. Thruth is somewhere in between. People are usually
informed of their narrow field.
Choice and Adversary Party Politics.
- is very over politicised. APP - parties get extreme, because the activists
are usually extreme in parties. Oversimplification of complex issues into 2
alternatives. Public Choice applies neoclassical economics to politics and
consists of:
a. economic theory of democracy (Downs). Not
rational to have ideologies and parties tend for the centre. S-party who is
most irresponsiblee in promisses wins, D-unrealistic demands to government from
public result.
b. political business cycles- governments
manipulate the economy to be at its best in elections. Remedies - law to
balance the budget, election time at random
- These politics now out of date and maybe biased towards right wing. Tories
have made a thing out of not aranging preelection booms and intervening with
the economy. Gamble and Walkland found little evidence of U-turns. There are 3
policies - foreign, stabilisation and industrial. In foreign divisions between
parties have been less than inside parties (wrt EC). Nordhaus has looked at the
political business cycles. USA had cycles but UK did not. These cycles did not
do much harm nor did they affect voters.
Is the
decline caused by parties? It could be one of many causes.
a. UK has been in decline for 100 years,
party politics only questionable for 20years.
b. Parties are only a part of political
system (civil service as well).
c. Parties are not free to do what they want.