Applied cost-benefit
analysis: Alternative question = ‘Who should pay for higher education?’ ‘Who
should pay for the resource cost of investment?’
§ Would
the net present value of the project be positive?
§ Would
the social rate of return exceed the social rate of discount?
up analysis:
What is the criterion in a public-sector appraisal
issue? Discuss (1) private/social returns, (2) the difficulty of measuring
them, (3) the inter-temporal dimension. There is then the question of what the
social discount factor should be. Social rate of time preference, or other
plausible discount rates.
Cost of investing more in higher education:
Expanding institutional costs (profs, capital,
buildings). The marginal cost of an extra student is negligible. Economies of
scale when capital is fully variable. New technology –
Human capital analysis
points to tuition