1. Take 2 test-tubes 0.1M Fe3+ and 2 test-tubes 0.1M KI.
2. Make 2 test-tube mixtures of about 2 cm 0.1M Fe3+ add 2cm3 0.1M KI.
Changes occurring .
3. Add starch and Khexacyanoferrate(II) to each separate mixtures.
Added |
Fe3+ |
0.1M KI |
mixture |
starch |
Khexacyanoferrate |
4. Add Khexacyanoferrate to Fe2+ (should go blue).
1. Use Cu cell as a reference and set things up as previous example w.r.t. Cu
2. Use beaker filled with Fe3+/Fe2+ equilibrium and platinum electrode as a electrolyte (p.369)
3. Measure E.m.f.= .
4. Now use 2I-(aq)/I2(aq) equilibrium instead of Fe3+/Fe2+ equilibrium. E.m.f.= .
5. Deduce the Pt|2I-(aq),I2(aq) ¦ ¦ Fe3+,Fe2+ | Pt.
6. Measure Pt|2I-(aq),I2(aq) ¦ ¦ Fe3+,Fe2+ | Pt experimentally (need a 2nd Pt electrode)