So you wonder, what exactly lies behind that lovely name CUBS?

The Society was created on the 27. of November, 1997 during our first Annual General Meeting  and we hope it will have a brilliant future. There are about 20 of us at present, but, obviously, our membership is growing exponentially!

During the first meeting we accepted our constitution, elected the board, and discussed the future program. In particular, we decided to hold a Christmas Party on the 6. December this year. This party was a success, more information can be obtained by following the link.

To cut the long constitution short, we are here to unite the Cambridge students, who come from any of the Baltic States. As there are relatively few of us, there is only one society for all three states. Lets just hope that we don't fight too often. The AGM further showed that doing society is fun, so if you have not joined yet, do so now!

That's it for now, this webpage is designed to be updated quite regularly, so do check back often.